I am going to keep this short and simple. I miss blogging. I don’t have time to make elaborate posts with witty one-liners and great pictures.

Because I don’t have the time for elaborate posts, I have stopped blogging. Professionally? Maybe that’s smart? Personally, I miss blogging.

This year I am living by these two mottos: Perfect is the enemy of good and something is better than nothing.

New Year’s is coming and I want to take a few moments to review last year’s resolutions and move forward into 2015.

So my goals from last year:

“This year? 3 Goals.

1- Finish my nutrition certificate.

2- Have at least one post a month with blog-worthy, nice pictures, aka taken with my real camera, not my I-phone.

And the big one….

3- Share meal plans every week and devise my meal plans from my vast collection of cookbooks and magazines thereby exposing you to some new recipes and food writers.”

God, why am I so freaking ambitious???

So, let’s take these one by one:

1- Finish my nutrition certificate.

I am not terrible on this one: I have one lesson left. I’m pretty sure I will get it. Woo-hoo! Win for Badger Girl!

2- Have at least one post a month with blog-worthy, nice pictures, aka taken with my real camera, not my I-phone.

Yeah…..not so much. I pretty much stopped blogging a few months ago. Doh!

3- Share meal plans every week and devise my meal plans from my vast collection of cookbooks and magazines thereby exposing you to some new recipes and food writers.”

Good intentions, right? I will say that I have kept meal planning. And I will also say that, believe it or not, I really do use ALL of my cookbooks. Not so good at sharing the recipes though, I admit. Sorry folks!

So, here are this year’s resolutions:


I am not going to give myself rules or regulations this year, I just want to show up. We will make it pretty when I am not chasing a toddler around my house and writing a cookbook. Oh who am I kidding? We will make it pretty when Baby G is in school. Until then, you just get me folks- warts, unfocused I-phone pics, and all!

2-Follow a more Paleo-like diet. In other words, more veggies and less grains.

With my lactose intolerance and Manatee’s wheat sensitivity, it makes sense for us to be Paleo. We are not super strict- I love olive oil and beans too much to give them up. But we like to cook like this, we feel good when we cook like this, and there are so many good recipes, why wouldn’t we cook like this?

3- Finish my second cookbook.

I look forward to marketing this book next year at this time. And let me tell you, this book is going to be awesome! First photo shoot in less than 2 weeks, I am so excited!


That’s it for now, but I promise, I PROMISE, that I will be here on a more regular basis.

Now, let’s hear from you. Any goals for the new year and please, make me feel better about myself and keep the goals small and manageable. If one of you tells me you are going to learn another language while working your third job and raising a herd of sheep, I might throw up.



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