As always my to-do list is overflowing, but instead I’m writing. You could say I’m dedicated to my art or you could say that I’m good at procrastinating. Both are true.

I get very overwhelmed at the holidays at all these things I feel I SHOULD be doing. Elf on the shelf, cookies/waffles/pancakes with Santa, zoo lights, parades, train rides. Growing up, I don’t remember all this extra stuff. I don’t know if it’s a change in culture or everyone else’s normal, but I feel a lot of pressure as a SAHM to make the season magical. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about creating memories for my kids, but I have accepted that I get to control what I choose to do and I am only choosing things that bring me joy.

I have never been one for holiday decorations, but for this season, I did actually make two purchases that I knew would bring me joy, both of which remind me of my grandma.

One of these trees that I remember playing with for the whole holiday season.

As you can see, the tradition of playing with the tree lives on through my girls (and their My Little Ponies).

And ceramic tree lights that I put on our ‘extra’ tree.

I always swore that I would never be one of those people with a themed Christmas tree. Well, guess what? I am. Our ‘extra’ tree is an artificial tree with ceramic lights and all the ornaments that we have collected on our vacations. It is my tree of Joy. I can’t look at this tree without smiling because of the lights and because looking at the ornaments reminds me of all of our trips. 

So what else will we do this holiday season? Lots of cookie baking. Lots of books. Lots of church. Very little Santa and no Elf on the Shelf. 

What are some of your favorite holiday traditions that bring you joy?



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