This is my first blog post from my new computer. I thought it would be fun to start with a Fun Friday Facts, because well, it’s Friday. And it’s an organized way of catching you up and getting you ready for what is to come.

1: This post is brought to you by CarboniteCarbonite is an online back up system that I installed after Manatee (yes, we are going back to our old blog names) crashed his computer. Carbonite saved him and Carbonite saved me. Especially since yours truly did not have any paper copies of any of my logins or that important stuff everyone should have. So thanks to Carbonite, I was able to actually log in to the blog I have been writing for the last 5 years. (I have been writing this blog for closer to 10 years but it was technically on another site).

2: I am coming to grips with summer being over. I realize that technically it’s not over, but I have lost my usual desire to buy a watermelon every week and eat corn on the cob. I am reaching for red wine and now white. I have been mourning it the last few days, but now I am starting to get excited about the fall. And school starting. And a certain someone being in school. A certain someone sitting at the table with me saying things like “Look at me. Look at me.” and when she drops one of her paper dolls on the floor giving me stink eye and saying “Mimi picks up the dolls for me. Mimi actually plays with me.” I do play with my daughter, people. Just not before I drink a cup of coffee. Or workout. Or both.

3: I have a ton of recipes for you. Despite my lack of writing, I actually have a lot of recipes for you. Most of them are summer-ish, so there will be a big push to get them in the next few weeks. Barbecue Chicken Pizza with Texas Caviar, A killer salad that doesn’t need a dressing, parmesan crispy broccoli with lemon aoili, BLT pizza, a simplified veggie meatloafGreek yogurt mashed potatoes, yogurt jam berry popsicles. I am back and so ready to cook with you. And write. I am ready to write which brings me to….

4: This is my year to get back to writing and blogging. With G going to 4k, I am hoping that I can really dig into writing this year. I’m going to be taking some online classes that will force me to write and learn about things like making social media videos (get ready for some how-to’s). Granted G is already an expert at Youtube, so maybe we can collaborate. Our home videos often include her saying things like “Tell me in the comments if..” I don’t think she gets too much screen time, do you? Mine as well benefit from my lackluster parenting (see the end of fun fact 2). And then I am going to write an article about that: Benefits of Giving Your Kid Screen Time. Or maybe I will make a YouTube video….

5: The LOVE list: Here are some of the things I have been loving: this skirt, this restaurant (#68), this calendar , and this book

Tell me something you have been loving this past week!

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