Billy and Kris let me in on one of their favorite vodka recipes: Bacon Infused Vodka. Billy told me that Bluephies was one of the few places in town that actually infused their own bacon vodka. If you remember earlier this summer, I experimented with infused vodka so I was excited to try again with a savory variety.

Here are some tips about ingredients:

  • The smokier bacon, the better
  • Get low sodium bacon if you can

  • Use Finlandia Vodka.


Bacon Infused Vodka

1 lb of bacon

1 liter of vodka

  1. Fry up the bacon.

  2. Put bacon in container for infusing (I use mason jars).
  3. Pour vodka over bacon.

  4. Let sit for three weeks in a dark cool place.
  5. Strain the vodka three times with cheesecloth.
  6. Enjoy with martinis and Bloody Marys!

Recipe Review: There is a reason I don’t have pictures after the initial infusion: that stuff looks nasty! Kris and Billy had warned me about it but I was still surprised. The fat separates and the bacon looks all pale and sickly. However, it tastes just like bacon when you are finished. Pretty impressive! I can’t wait to try it with some Bloody Mary’s.