Today I want to take a break from the Healthy Blogger Thursday series to share with you an awesome program called October Unprocessed. Andrew Wilder of Eating Rules started this in 2009. He decided to go totally unprocessed for 1 month. Three years later, he is still doing it and has created a movement. I think it’s phenomenal. It allows you to get a taste of unprocessed living without having to commit to a lifestyle.

Just because we are already midway through October does not mean that it’s too late to jump on the bandwagon. You can take the pledge for a day, a week, any amount of time that you feel comfortable.

You should do it.

I dare you.

Even if it’s just for a day, challenge yourself to eat all real foods and read the labels of your processed favorites. Andrew provides some rules about what constitutes a-okay foods, but he also encourages you to make your own rules that fit your life.

I know that I have slightly different rules:

1. If it’s possible, I make things myself. Chips, crackers, bread, pasta.

2. When that’s not possible, I buy these items but only if all the ingredients are real foods. No chemicals, no hard to pronounce, impossible to visualize components. Just real food.

So, who’s going to join me and take the unprocessed pledge?




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