In honor of the UW Writer’s Institute, I wanted to share with you a new hummus recipe.

Alright, back up.

What does hummus have to do with a Writer’s Institute?

This past weekend I taught a social media marketing class at the 2012 UW Writers Institute in Madison, WI.  Seeing how I was teaching a class on marketing and I have a food blog, I thought what better way to put my teaching into action than to bring in snacks for my class? This was a perfect example of ‘networking off the net.’

Alright, for those who know me, you know I am always looking for excuses to try out my recipes on innocent bystanders, but give me the benefit of the doubt, okay? For the sake of pedagogy?

I served my famous buffalo wing hummus and a new recipe, Thai Peanut Hummus. This is seriously the easiest flavored hummus you could make.

Thai Peanut Hummus

2 cans of garbanzo beans, 1 drained
1/4 cup lime juice
1/2 cup peanut sauce*
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
green onions for garnish

*You can make your own or buy pre-made. 

Combine garbanzo beans (and liquid from 1 can), lime juice, peanut sauce, and red wine vinegar in food processor.

Process until smooth.

Top with green onions and serve with your favorite veggies.

Recipe Review: 

This really is that easy and this really is that good. 

I actually intended to have more ingredients but I forgot to add them. How’s that for transparency? I was going to add tahini sauce and garlic. Oops. And guess what? You don’t need the extra stuff. I love it when that happens!

This tastes less like hummus and more like a super healthy, clean version of peanut sauce. I would definitely use it as a peanut sauce. It would be great tossed with pasta or with any kind of meat or tofu.

I think it’s the next Green Eggs and Ham kind of sauce. You will like it as a dinner and it won’t make you feel like a sinner. You will like it here or there, you will like it everywhere!

Speaking of sinner, I did use a pre-made peanut sauce (thank you Brennan’s in Madison!). I am still perfecting my peanut sauce recipe and I was on a time crunch. And sometimes, that’s okay.


I’m on a hummus kick folks. I have done BBQ chicken wing, roasted red pepper, and now this.

What kind of hummus would you like to see next?