Those of you who know me will know this was not the intention when I made a quick curry dish last week. After I finished it, I realized what I had done: Green fresh basil, Gold curry sauce, Gold peppers, Green broccoli, chicken over brown rice and Green spinach. Sigh. If it hadn’t been so good, I wouldn’t have photographed it.
Green Bay Packers Curry
1 bottle of Yellow Curry sauce
3 chicken breasts, sliced in thin strips
1 yellow pepper, sliced
1/2 onion, sliced
1 bag of frozen broccoli

1 cup of rice
Optional: Fresh spinach and fresh basil
1. Begin the rice, following directions on the bag. 
2. In a large saute pan or an electric frying pan: heat the pan to medium heat and spray it with olive oil or add a tsp of olive oil, swirling to coat.
3. Add chicken and sauce. Cook for 5 minutes, stir occasionally.
4. Add peppers, onions, and broccoli. Cover and cook until broccoli and chicken are cooked through.
5. For extra veggie bonus, place spinach on plate and then add rice. Serve sauce over rice and spinach. Top with fresh basil if you so desire.
*“But rice takes so long! I don’t want to wait for that.” You can buy a cup of Uncle Ben’s brown rice that you can put in the microwave for a minute and it’s done. You could also use Instant Rice.
* “What if I don’t like curry?” Try another bottled sauce and adjust the veggies accordingly. You could do the same with marinara, pasta sauce, or peanut sauce. 
* “I don’t have time to slice vegetables.” I happened to have sliced yellow peppers leftover from a pizza party. I could have easily omitted them or used additional frozen vegetables. As I have mentioned before, the frozen vegetables are great time savers and easy to use. When you cook broccoli fresh, they can be woody and hard to work with but frozen broccoli cooks quickly and easily.
Time Saving Ingredients:

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