I have seen a lot of these posts lately and thought I would join in on the trend. So, while I am living it up in Aruba, check out a few of my favorite things…..

1. Dates and not the kind you have to dress up for.


I love eating these plain with some roasted almonds and dried cranberries. For those of you who follow me on Facebook, you may remember me requesting help with my CSA dates.

And then of course, I ate my words….and my dates. Plain.

They are a perfect and healthy way to get my sweet tooth fix at the end of the night.

And speaking of sweet tooth fix…..

2. Watermelon and cantalope. This is the beginning of the very not-trendy things I love.

watermelon and cantalope

It’s not cool to like watermelon right now. It’s February in Wisconsin, there is no way that watermelon is local or seasonal at this point. I try to justify it because my parents are wintering in Texas and for them watermelon is both seasonal and local. Does that help at all?

Okay, how about this: I’m pregnant. I want watermelon (and cantalope).

As you can imagine, it’s quite a gamble getting watermelon and cantalope these days. When it’s good, it’s really good. When it’s bad, it’s a little scary.

To give you an idea of how much we are eating, that bowl was full last night. 16 hours later, and we are ready for another melon run.

3. Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Larabars. To redeem my organic foodie reputation, I am loving these bars right now:


3 ingredients: dates, chocolate chips, and peanuts. These are so good and so rich. They have been my dessert the last few nights. Yum!

4. Eggs: Lately, I have to have eggs at least once a day.

This is odd for me as I am not normally an ‘egg’ person, but I love them for breakfast or for a nice bland dinner. We try to buy New Century Farm eggs because they are local and we agree with how they raise their chickens.

5. Impractical Jokers: Alright, while most of you are watching the clever and witty Downton Abbey, Manatee and I are enjoying a slightly less refined or cultured form of mass entertainment.

iimpractical jokers

I think this show is hilarious, but  I love it even more because for 2 hours, Manatee howls in laughter. I mean seriously, I am surprised our neighbors can’t hear him.

Essentially it’s a group of 4 guys who are best friends and dare each other to do these ridiculous practical jokes/challenges. Some of my favorite stunts: eating the most items out of a stranger’s grocery cart at the grocery start, getting someone to join in your protest (and the other guys tell you what the protest is about), falling asleep on a stranger in a public place, okay, so it’s not as funny until you watch it, but you should check it out.

It’s on Thursday nights from 8 pm to 10 pm on TruTV.

6.School supplies: Between the online classes I am taking and just being organized for the new year, I had way too much fun at Office Depot this month.


New Notebooks


year desk calendar

My favorite desk calendar, perfect for notes, doodling, and of course, scheduling.

financial planner

A notebook for tracking expenses and receipts.


7.Comfy Slippers: Lately, I have been loving my Rocket Dog slippers.

my slippers

They make me feel a little more dressed up in my everyday uniform of yoga pants and plain, long sleeve maternity tops.


What are some of your favorite things?


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