Oh, where oh where could they be?

I was determined to make the baked shrimp and tomatoes dish last night. So determined that I sent Manatee on a mission: find me some uncooked shrimp. He tried three grocery stores and NONE of them have uncooked shrimp.

For you Madisonians-where can you find uncooked shrimp? For everyone else, where do you find uncooked shrimp?

There are tons of cooked shrimp out there but that only works for shrimp cocktail. It doesn’t work if you want to put them in a dish and cook it yourself.

To make a long story short, we were forced to order in pizza last night. It was a hardship, I know. But uncooked shrimp, I won’t be thwarted. I will find you and I will cook you and then I will blog about it.

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