Well, I guess that was farewell for two weeks. We returned with a fairly sick kiddo, so I have been on house arrest but this is the first day I did not need to be holding her 24/7. If my post is cut short abruptly, know it is because a sweet little two year old crawled into my lap and tried to take over the post. 

So to catch you up:

1- We were scheduled to go to Mexico on a Sunday and stay till the following Saturday.

2- The Saturday prior my husband woke me out of a dead sleep to say “Kimberly, I have something to tell you…” I thought for sure one of the girls had gotten seriously injured over night and we were going to be rushing to the hospital. He continued, “My passport expired yesterday.” He was expecting me to be mad, but I was so relieved that I said “Oh, that’s fine. We will figure it out.” And then we spent 4 hours on phones calling anyone we thought could possibly help. To make a long story, they couldn’t. It’s impossible to get a passport on a Saturday. Lesson learned.

3-We made more phone calls and were able to switch our trip to Florida without losing much money. It was a miracle. Especially considering we were traveling with another family.

4-Then because of the historical blizzard that hit the Midwest, we extended our trip to Monday. 

Our trip was a complete blast. We had so much fun with the girls and really didn’t do much besides play on the golf course and go to pools. 

This was my first time traveling and  having to worry about FODMAPS. To be honest, it kinda sucked. It was harder than I thought to eat out on property and it wasn’t until I chilled out a bit that I felt better and ate better. But I did come up with a winning recipe that I made day after day and will make a ton this summer. I discovered that when I am hanging out at a pool, I want nothing more than to dip my chip into something delicious. Enter FODMAP friendly salsa:

This is a quick dip to throw together and excellent on a hot days sitting under an umbrella at the pool. Tangy, a little spicy, refreshing, and sweet, it’s a dip that makes you feel like you are not missing out on anything.


FODMAP Friendly Salsa
Chop up some fresh produce to make a refreshing summertime dip.

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Cherry tomatoes, halved
Sweet bell pepper, diced
jalapeno pepper, diced
cilantro, chopped
greens of green onion, chopped
fresh lime juice
splash of olive oil
salt and pepper

1. Chop up all your produce and mix together. Chill and serve, preferably at a pool.

Did you notice I included no quantities? That’s because it depends on how much you want to make. For my daily batch, I did two handfuls cherry tomatoes, half a jalapeño, one handful of cilantro, 2-3 greens of green onions, third of a bell pepper, and juice of 1-2 regular limes.
For easy chopping, use kitchen shears on the greens of the green onion and cilantro.

Badger Girl Learns to Cook by Kimberly Aime https://learntocookbadgergirl.com/


Pair this with some nice crunchy tortilla chips or throw on some tacos or fajitas. This will be a staple in our house this summer. And heck, I may even whip up a batch on this snowy day and just play pretend….

What are your favorite poolside snacks?