I feel like it’s been ages since I have written a blog post. It has been awhile, a few weeks at most, but it seems so much longer because our reality has totally been turned on its head. So it’s been weeks in your time, but it has been at least a year in Badger Girl/Manatee time.

Blog readers, let me introduce you to our new reality.

Baby G

Baby G(irl) was born on May 31st at 2:52 pm.

I could give you her digits, but what do they really tell you?

More importantly, I can tell you this.

She is very forgiving.

When I was pushing (way longer than I thought possible to push), she was kicking. At first, I thought it was because she wanted to stay inside, but now that I know her, I know that she was trying to help me in the only way she knew how.

She doesn’t seem to mind when we awkwardly pull onesies over her head only to have them get caught halfway through.

She doesn’t flinch when we accidentally squirt formula in her eye.

She likes to sleep with both arms over her head, yet we insist on swaddling her at night. Each night she valiantly tries to pull her arms out and sometimes she succeeds which makes me think she is the next Houdini.

She didn’t hold a grudge when we didn’t feed her enough the first 24 hours she was home.

She only cries when she is hungry.

And like every other first-time parent, we think she is the most beautiful baby we have ever seen.

She has taught us that we have to let go of expectations. Nothing has gone has planned. From the way labor progressed to how we are feeding her to how we are managing to how we live. Everything we thought or planned has gone out the window. It’s exhausting and exhilarating, and each day it feels like we are just along for the ride.

Bear with me, readers. I have blog posts planned, but Baby G often has other plans for me. In the last 2 1/2 weeks, I have cooked once and that was a simple marinade for chicken grilled by Manatee (that will hopefully appear on the blog soon) and was prepared on Father’s Day. Most days it’s delivery or whatever we can find and throw on a bed of spinach (today was egg whites and baked beans, I can’t say I recommend it….).

I don’t anticipate much time in the kitchen in the near future. Our CSA starts Saturday so I hope to have some ideas to you as we are still determined to fully utilize our veggie and fruit shares this summer, but I hate to make promises. We may be eating a lot of raw fruit and veggies this summer. It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

In the mean time, I would love to hear from you. Any tips from any of you moms out there on life with a newborn? We’d love to hear them, and I’m sure Baby G would appreciate her new parents having any kind of edge. She’s been patient with us so far but even a saint would want to see some improvement in her pupils.


What advice do you have for new parents?




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