Grab this stuffed tortilla on your way out the door and you will be full until the lunch bell rings. It’s easy and fast enough to whip up on a weekday morning. The tortilla makes it portable while the peanut butter and bananas provide you with the protein and nutrients you need to get you through your morning.

As I lamented last week, I am on a search for new breakfasts. This was one of my first tries and it’s definitely a keeper!

Peanut Butter Stuffed Tortilla

1 whole wheat tortilla*
1-2 Tbsp of natural peanut butter
1/2 banana, sliced

*If you want some clean eating gold stars, try making your own tortillas.

  1. Spread peanut butter on half of the tortilla.
  2. Place sliced bananas on peanut butter.
  3. Fold the tortilla in half.
  4. You have a couple of options here: 1- You can place it in a toaster oven and place a pan on top of it to push it down and toast it.

    You could also place it in a panini press (for 3-5 minutes) or you could heat it up in a frying pan and place a plate on top of it to press it down.

  5. Enjoy!




Recipe Review: As you can see, I like eating mine with a plum. The juiciness of the plum complements the creaminess of the peanut butter. Yum! ย I was really surprised with how long I was full after eating this. Normally I am a two breakfast or breakfast/morning snack kind of a girl. With this as my breakfast, I wasn’t ready to eat again until lunch. That’s a small miracle!

Hope you enjoy this quick and healthy recipe. I will be back with more easy and nutritious breakfast recipes as I continue to explore the world of clean eating.