Hi folks!

In the past few months, I have been struggling with ideas on introducing you to new blogs. I loved that with the Healthy Blogger series, I could expose you to blogs you may not have read before. The problem with that it requires work on the other bloggers, and these are people trying to juggle multiple roles so they may not want to add another item on their to-do list.

I want to try something new and we’ll see how it goes. The goal is to match you, the reader, with a new blog that you may find useful. These are all blogs I read on a regular basis and I’m not receiving any compensation or even credit for featuring them. I just really like them and think you would like them too.

Peas and Thank You


This is one of my favorite vegan blogs. I started reading this after Sarah was featured in Vegetarian Times with a quinoa lasagna. I love how down-to-earth she is and ready to admit life’s imperfections. I have tried a lot of her recipes and own her first book. She is a true inspiration for food bloggers who want to write cookbooks. Her book made the NY Times Best Seller List through her hard work and determination.

In terms of recipes, I think she does a really great job with vegan baking. I have tried her savory recipes and they have been good, but her sweet treats are where she truly shines. My only contention would be she does use a lot of “fake” products, but from my experience, I think that’s typical with vegan cooking and baking. (And if I am wrong on this, please correct me and point me to some bloggers who don’t.)

In the past year, she has switched her focus more on family (and Christian) related posts than strictly recipes. That being said, she does feature at least one recipe per week, if not more, so you are still getting tons of new recipes and her takes on family life are funny and endearing. I am always excited when I see she has a new post up.

You don’t have to be vegan to enjoy her site, I am certainly not. What I like about vegan baking is that it’s often healthier because it uses lots of applesauce and flaxseed versus dairy and eggs. You often end up with a much more moist end product. And because there are no raw eggs, you can eat the batter. Huge plus, especially when making brownies.

If you have a chance, go check her out and let her know that Kimberly sent you.


What is your favorite vegan blog?

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