Greetings from Arizona!

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!

We are having an awesome time on our vacation. Days are filled with sunshine, P90x2 workouts, running, biking, golfing, and really good food.

One thing I love about staying with people is you get clued into some amazing new foods. Two of my favorites on this trip are:

Mixed Nut Butter: Roasted Almond and Roasted Peanut Butter.

Oh. My. God.

We ate so much of it we went on a quest to find a replacement jar for our hosts. Two grocery stores and no luck. There may have been tears, fights, and make-up kisses in two peanut butter aisles one morning (my only defense is that I’m irrational on an empty stomach) and then we find out our host doesn’t even like the stuff. So I will be polishing off this jar with no guilty feelings tomorrow. 😉

Dried cranberries AND raisins TOGETHER.

Okay, so let’s be honest, this is probably not a big deal. But I love raisins, I love golden raisins, and I LOVE LOVE dried cranberries. I was super excited to see them all in one handy pouch.


Whole Wheat Bread with Mixed Nut Butter and dried craisins/raisins with a half banana.

I woke up hungry so this was the perfect pre-workout fuel.


Chocolate Shakeology with Blueberries and Chia Seeds.

Manatee has brought me over to the frozen blueberry side of Shake-o. It makes it taste so much chocolatier! Yum!


Our vacations consist of Manatee and I exhausting ourselves physically, eating something, exhausting ourselves physically, drinking, then rinse and repeat. I learned long ago that the only way I can keep up with this man is to pack snacks and stay hydrated.

After doing a P90x2 workout at the gym, we were planning to spend the afternoon riding rented bikes. So, I packed us a little picnic snack.

Turkey, Spinach, and Guacamole Roll-ups.

Let’s break that down, shall we?

Whole grain tortilla + guac (avocado + 1 tablespoon of salsa)

Add spinach.

Add sliced turkey breast.

P.S. This is not gross deli meat but actually roasted turkey slices. Amazing!

Roll them up with some foil and add carrots and apples.

I am sure Manatee would agree that I biked considerably faster as we got closer to stopping for our snack.

Here is me enjoying said snack.

It was the perfect treat during a 30+ mile bike ride.

Vacation Treats

After our ride, we had some time to kill to wait out the rush hour traffic, so we made a stop at one of Manatee’s favorite breweries.

Four Peaks Breweries.

And of course we split a Manatee brewery favorite….

The beer sampler platter.

And of course I only liked three beers.

I think that’s why Manatee likes going to breweries with me…


We have been totally spoilt by Manatee’s sister and her husband. They are the perfect hosts and Mary is an AMAZING cook.

I am seriously afraid to cook for her, she is that good.

And maybe, I need a little break from cooking…

But when we got home from our busy day of working out, biking, and drinking, Mary had a delicious meal waiting for us.

Salads with fresh veggies, toasted walnuts, oil, and vinegar.

 Chicken Cacciatore with brown rice and salad.

And then I had to have more salad because it really was that good.

And then to finish off the meal, we had…

Homemade Grand Marnier and Dark Chocolate.

Angelo, the Grand Marnier maker, promised me that he would pass on his recipe. If I get it, I promise I will share it!

What is your favorite vacation food splurge?


What is your favorite way to repay awesome hosts (because I may be looking for suggestions once this week is over 😉 )?

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