I shared this article through social media earlier in the week, but wanted to call attention to it on the blog as well. Tony Horton brings up something that is easy to forget as you are moving towards a healthy lifestyle.

First, who is Tony Horton? Tony Horton is the trainer behind P90x. Both Manatee and I are huge fans of this guy. I can’t even express how much P90x has changed our lives. If you remember our story, Manatee started P90x when he broke his femur and couldn’t make it to the gym. And because my boyfriend with a broken leg was doing it, I decided to do it too.

from www.queenannechiro.com

Fast forward 3 years, we are still doing it. I am 7 months pregnant, yet Manatee and I still get up three times a week to do P90x weight workouts together. It’s wonderful because I can modify it to meet my needs while Manatee can do the same workout and get a killer workout.

I could go on and on about how much we love it and why we love it, but this post is not about selling you on P90x, it’s about Tony Horton and this article I found.

Aside from P90x, we both love Tony Horton because of how he views fitness. It’s not about working out to get a great body or lose weight. It’s about working out so you are healthier each day that you work out. Every day that you work out, you are a better person: you are better emotionally, mentally, and physically because you moved your butt that day. Period.

For more on this, check out this YouTube video:

We also subscribe to his view on diet. Like us, Tony Horton believes that you are what you eat. You literally are what you put into your mouth. If you eat crap, well, I’m sorry to say, but you can guess the rest.

This may seem hardcore, but in this last article that I found, Tony points out another key idea that without even realizing it, it’s something that Manatee and I live by: You have to love what you are eating.

“When six o’ clock rolls around, are you excited to sit down to a hearty plate of whatever you sit down to? Do the aromas emanating from your kitchen make your mouth water? Does your breakfast prepare you for the day — in mind, body and spirit? In other words, are ya lovin’ what you’re eatin’? If not, it’s time to make a change.”

Yes, we eat at home because we can eat healthy, but even more we eat at home because we like what we make at home. We have learned how to use spices and seasonings that we like and we prefer the food we can make at home to most restaurant food.

The only way to stay on any kind of diet or healthy lifestyle is to love the food you eat. If you are on a diet and you’re eating food that you don’t like, guess what? You probably aren’t going to stick with it. Don’t like the taste of plain steamed veggies? Try adding seasonings, hot sauce, salsa, anything that can add flavor without adding a ton of fat and preservatives. Have fun experimenting and don’t feel limited by what you think is healthy, diet food. This blog is filled with flavor-packed dishes that are good for you and good to eat.

The article also talks about the importance of adapting your eating lifestyle with your life. If you started a new diet or healthy lifestyle (vegan, vegetarian, paleo), and you are growing tired of it, it’s okay to change. Adapt your lifestyle as your tastes change. My saying has always been that life is too short to eat bad food. And in this case, life is too short to eat foods you no longer like.

Check out the full article by Tony Horton here.


How do you jazz up your veggies or other healthy dishes?




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